
A bit about the post below.

You are probably wondering what the hell the last post was actually about. Well pretty much nothing really. Myself and a cohort decided to write a short passage between ourselves. We each had to take it in turn to write a sentence without looking at what each other had written. This could have amounted to complete gibberish but strangely the passage actually turned out to be fairly legible, although still fairly meaningless. Our minds were sort of heading down a similar path with the words that came into our frazzled heads and this was the result. A bit like a poem that has been co-written by a mentally sub-normal child and a demented old man.

I will try to rope in other friends to collaborate with me over the coming months by supplying me with their own random lines and seeing what strange results are concocted.

Perhaps readers can vote on which passage is their favourite and the winning guest writer will get a prize from myself, which will probably consist of a Mills & Boon book of their choice and a banana to stick in their top pocket.

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