
An introduction to a selection of things I dislike.

I'll be the first to admit that there are many things in life that rile me and get my back up. In fact I'd probably say that more things annoy me than not. A while back, whilst on a particularly tedious tube journey, I was crammed in facing some city slicker bell-end who had a particularly smug face that really started to grate on me. The tube was so busy that I couldn't move or look around at anything other than this annoying chump and this got me thinking about how each day brings up it's fair share of ball-ache, but without it where would I be?

At the end of the day I like a good moan and if these annoying situations didn't occur what would I have to vent my spleen at? How would I get through my day? I'd be bored out of my mind if everything was perfect and there wasn't anything to slag off for hours on end. It certainly helps while away a fair few hours of my day.

I continued thinking about this after exiting the tube and thought of all the annoying situations in a day that make me chuckle at the absurdity of them, which I then go on to forget about hours later, as they are pushed further to the back of my mind by more and more thoughts of annoyance that I am seeing in the present.

I decided that I would start noting down on my phone anything that got on my nerves over the course of the coming days and weeks. I decided it would be foolish and pointless to write down everything that got me vexed over the course of a day because it would mean constantly having my phone in my hands and would probably cause my fingers a mischief having to bash the buttons every couple of minutes.

I thought it best just to write down things that I would be able to elaborate on further so that I can explain why they get on my tits. There may be some that are explained in more detail than others but that's really just to keep the piece shorter so that it isn't too much of chore to get through for the reader.

I will also do a further piece on things that I like in the next few weeks, just to show that I'm not a completely miserable cunt and that there are things that put a smile on my face.

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